What is GCP?
Google Cloud Platform, is a public cloud offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs your infrastructure and provides a web-based, graphical user interface that you can use to manage your Google Cloud projects and resources.
How to access Google Cloud?
Can I access Google Cloud for FREE?
Yes, Everyone can get access of GCP worth of 300$ for 90 Days.
If you are using University account, you can avail another 100$ for trail in total 400$

Creating your first project in Google Cloud

By Default Google cloud is in default project

Click New Project

Rename to desired and select Organization to attach specific project

Confirm and Click Create

Verify the newly created project status
Once project is created in GCP, then we can create the cloud resources associates with newly created projects.
Stay Tune for next post for creating first compute in Google Cloud platfrom.